[Art]This visual art project critically reflects on the development of Avenida 24 de Mayo, as a monument and as an urban project that commemorates the Battle of Pichincha.
DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership of this project. The artistic work behind this project is all credited to Andrés Marcial.
After completing the Continuum project, I worked with Andrés Marcial to release a new project with the similar concept, a new one called Tricentenario which featured the same BLE beacon based localization method to display different videos depending on the user's position in the museum.
For more information, please visit Andrés' publication in his portfolio which has a more details regarding the artistic value of the project.
Christian (moonstar-x)
Hi there, my name is Christian, also known as moonstar-x online. I enjoy working on a variety of diverse projects, from implementing artistic ideas, contributing in some way to scientific research, or creating simple applications that people can use. I hope you enjoy reading about these projects as much as I enjoy building them!
Quito, Ecuador