Art Work:

Continuum is an artistic project that presents a video art exhibition platform as a work of art in itself.

This visual art project critically reflects on the development of Avenida 24 de Mayo, as a monument and as an urban project that commemorates the Battle of Pichincha.

Videographies is a visual art project that takes two different approaches to video.
Hobby Work:

Automation Service
A custom automation service to handle some notifications with a Workflow based design.

Discord Bot Monitoring Service
A monitoring bot that gives real-time feedback on the status of other bots on the same Discord server.

Discord Free Games Notifier
A Discord bot that notifies servers when free games are offered on Epic Games and Steam.

Discord Music Player Bot
A music playing bot with bandwidth-saving auto pausing with support for YouTube, SoundCloud, local files and Internet streams.

Discord Text-to-Speech Bot
A Text-to-Speech bot with multi-language support through Google Translate, Microsoft TTS, Amazon TTS and Moonbase Alpha (DECTalk) integrations.

Discord.js - Extended
A framework to facilitate the repetitive tasks when creating Discord bots.

Discord.js - Extended := Data Provider (Level)
[discord.js-extended] - A data provider implemented with LevelDB.

Discord.js - Extended := Data Provider (Redis)
[discord.js-extended] - A data provider implemented with Redis.

Free Games Crawler
A crawler service that scrapes free game offers from multiple game storefronts like Steam and Epic Games and publishes them on Redis.

Game Server Updater
A small script to update game servers from SteamCMD.

Garry's Mod Prop Hunt Mapvote Binding
A binding of a custom mapvote system for the popular game mode Prop Hunt of Garry's Mod.

React Mixer Embeds
Mixer embeds as React components.

React Twitch Embeds
A collection of components to embed Twitch.

Server Setup Guide
A guide of how I've set up my home server.

Timestamped Color Logger
Small logging library with timestamps and color support.

A webapp to frame other sites. Useful for having a central place for all self-hosted sites.
Research Work:

An open source, self-hosted dashboard for usage analytics of general use applications.

StarPep Web
StarPep Web is a non-redundant database of over 45000 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs).