Doodles (Updated January 2024)
At the time I was still learning how to program I came across an amazing YouTube channel called The Coding Train, that featured a crazy but…
3 min read
At the time I was still learning how to program I came across an amazing YouTube channel called The Coding Train, that featured a crazy but awesome teacher with an interesting approach to teaching. His videos are mostly of him building projects using a JavaScript library called p5.js which is a JavaScript variant of Processing.
This library is mostly used for creative programming that allows you to build graphics through code. It's fairly simple to use and actually kinda fun.
I've used it to make little doodles to train my programming skills. I even used it for a college project for an art class when the COVID pandemic first hit.
Here's a list of the doodles I've built:
Tortuga Artificial
This doodle was my final project for a particular course that I had to take in college. It treated the subject of how art and science are actually closely related to each other than people may think. The course was pretty interesting, but I took it at the beginning of the year 2020, and we all know what happened then.
At my campus, there's a small lake that has some turtles. My initial idea project was to build a small 3D printed turtle, attach some wheels, a motor and a camera to record the turtle's POV. This artificial turtle would then be inserted in the habitat of the other real turtles and record their interactions. The goal was to record the behavior of natural living beings when exposed to artificial organisms that mimic them.
The pandemic then hit, and we all had to study remotely through Zoom, and my idea was no longer possible. I had to settle for a more simplified version, which meant simulating it through a small game.

Game of Life
Ever heard of Conway's Game of Life? Yeah, it's that but built with p5.js.

A classic toy from when I was a kid. Incidentally, I never owned one myself, but I always wanted to have one.

This was the very first doodle I made. Beware, it has bugs 🐛.

Christian (moonstar-x)
Hi there, my name is Christian, also known as moonstar-x online. I write about the things I enjoy most about software development. Hope you enjoy (at least some) of my writing!
Quito, Ecuador