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React Mixer Embeds

[Hobby]Mixer embeds as React components.


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Back in 2020, my buddies and I were building a small website for ourselves as a sort of gaming community. We were a bit into streaming video games, even if that failed miserably since we averaged 0 viewers per stream. Particularly, we were still checking out the platforms available, and I had found out about Mixer. It seemed like an interesting platform, even before one of the biggest Twitch streamers at the time had signed a contract with them which supposedly would've brought a lot of new customers to the platform. Needless to say, they killed off the platform. They were bought by Meta and are now Facebook Gaming.

However, before that happened I had a plan to learn how to build component libraries for React and that's when the idea hit. I wanted to embed Mixer streams into our gaming website, and what better way to do it through my own embed library? So I decided to build it.

Sadly though, a few months later, the service was sunset forever, and I was left with my very first deprecated project.

RIP Mixer. 🕊️

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Christian (moonstar-x)

Hi there, my name is Christian, also known as moonstar-x online. I enjoy working on a variety of diverse projects, from implementing artistic ideas, contributing in some way to scientific research, or creating simple applications that people can use. I hope you enjoy reading about these projects as much as I enjoy building them!

Quito, Ecuador

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