Nice to Meet You

I'm Christian López, a software engineer based in Quito, Ecuador. I recently graduated as a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Engineering from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and I'm currently working full-time as a Jr. Software Developer at Devsu.

During my free time, I enjoy working on various types of projects involving technology one way or another. From simple hobby projects that people can use, to research assistance for my university, to implementing artistic ideas for art collectives.

I also enjoy learning languages. I can speak English, Spanish, French, a bit of Portuguese and I'm now learning Korean.

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A Story of Passion

When I was 5 years old, I enjoyed playing flash games on the family computer.

When I was 8 years old I got my first computer that my father won at a raffle. I used it mostly to play games and browse the web (which was much simpler at the time).

When I was 13 years old I learned basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript and made my own website. It is also the time I decided I wanted to become a software developer in the future.

When I was 17 years old I created my account on GitHub and started building open source projects - mostly bots for Discord.

Fast-forward to today, I finished my studies in computer science and I'm now an engineer, working on projects that passionate me, leveraging the latest technologies to build awesome software that people can enjoy.


Places I've worked at.

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Jr. Software Developer at Devsu
Quito, Ecuador
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Currently working as a Jr. Software Developer remotely.

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Full-stack Developer at Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Quito, Ecuador
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Built a crowdsourcing React web repository for biomass transformation opportunities applicable in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Inter-American Development Bank.

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Freelance Software Developer at Devsu
Quito, Ecuador
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Prepared an MVP of a novel E-Commerce service in a popular video game platform for a renowned american fast-food chain.

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Web Development Intern at Devsu
Quito, Ecuador
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Developed the React front end of a custom-made business process manager in a team of 5 engineers.


Places I've studied at.

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Bachelor of Science, Engineering in Computer Science by Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Magna Cum Laude
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  • Founding member of the IEEE Computer Society Chapter for the USFQ.