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Custom Scripts

We will create some custom scripts that will help us with certain tasks. For this, we'll create the following folder:

mkdir -p /usr/local/bin

Then inside this folder we'll insert all the scripts that we'll add here. Make sure to make them executable with:

chmod +x <file>


We'll use this script to manually update docker compose containers.


Run custom-docker-update inside the folder where docker-compose.yml is located to update the container images used.


echo "Stopping containers..."
docker compose stop

echo "Removing containers..."
docker compose rm -f

echo "Pulling images..."
docker compose pull

echo "Restarting containers..."
docker compose up -d


We'll use this script to completely restart docker compose containers, this removes the containers and restarts them.


Run custom-docker-restart inside the folder where docker-compose.yml is located to update the container images used.


docker compose rm -fs && docker compose up -d