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Tautulli is a pretty good companion tool for your Plex server that allows you to get information, usage statistics on your Plex libraries and lot of other features.

Installing Requirements

Tautulli requires Python to run, for this, we'll install the following dependencies:

sudo apt-get install git-core python python-setuptools tzdata


After installing the dependencies, we'll proceed with the installation process which is reduced by the following commands:

cd /opt
sudo git clone

We'll also create a user that will run Tautulli:

sudo addgroup tautulli && sudo adduser --system --no-create-home tautulli --ingroup tautulli
sudo chown tautulli:tautulli -R /opt/Tautulli

Starting Tautulli

To start Tautulli, simply change to the folder where Tautulli was installed and start up the Python script.

cd /opt/Tautulli

Tautulli will be live in the following address: http://<server_ip>:8181

Autostarting Tautulli

To autostart Tautulli on system boot, you need to create a service file.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tautulli.service

And in the text editor, paste the following:

Description=Tautulli - Stats for Plex Media Server usage

ExecStart=/opt/Tautulli/ --config /opt/Tautulli/config.ini --datadir /opt/Tautulli --quiet --daemon --nolaunch



Keep in mind that this assumes that the user that will run Tautulli is called tautulli, if this isn't the case for you, edit the service file accordingly.

Finally we'll enable and start the service.

sudo systemctl enable tautulli.service
sudo systemctl start tautulli.service

Using a Server Name to Access Tautulli

If you wish to access your Tautulli service through a specific domain you will need to use some sort of reverse proxy. From the previous sections where we installed Gitea, we created a domain that would be used to access Gitea. If you wish to achieve the same for Tautulli, please follow the next instructions.

Installing nginx

If you haven't installed nginx, run:

sudo apt-get install nginx

Configuring Virtual Host

We'll now create a virtual host file:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/tautulli

And we'll paste the following:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name <your-domain>;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8181;

    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


Replace <your-domain> with the actual domain that you want to use to access Tautulli.

If there's still a default configuration, you'll need to remove it:

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

And finally, we'll restart nginx.

sudo systemctl restart nginx.service

HTTPS Certificate

If you have certbot installed and configured already, you can enable HTTPS for Tautulli with the following command:

sudo certbot --nginx

If you haven't enabled certbot or configured it yet, check out this part of the guide: Enabling HTTPS for Gitea.

Setting-up Discord Notifications

One of the cool things about Tautulli is that it can send notifications to various types of channels about certain events (an user started streaming something, new media has been added, plex server is down...). With the help of webhooks, we'll set up some notifications for our Discord.

Firstly, on our Discord, we must right click the name of the text channel where we want to set up our notifications. Select Edit Channel and head over to Webhooks. Here we'll click on Create Webhook and modify the Webhook user to fit our needs (name and profile picture). Finally we'll copy the webhook url which we'll need in Tautulli.

Now we head over to Tautulli and go to the Settings and then to Notification Agents. We'll now Add a new notification agent and select Webhook.


Keep in mind that there's an option that says Discord but it is a bit limited (albeit easier to set up). We'll stick to Webhook for a more customized notification message.

Under configuration, in Webhook URL, paste the URL that you copied previously and keep Webhook Method set to POST. Enter the Triggers tab and select the ones that interest you the most. For this guide, we'll enable Plex Server Down, Plex Server Back Up, Plex Remote Access Down, Plex Remote Access Back Up and Recently Added.

Now head to the Data tab, here you'll need to put the JSON body that will be sent to Discord to handle the messages.


For a detailed guide on how to build your JSON bodies to send as Webhooks, check out this guide.

Once you've built your JSON body, add it to the JSON Data text-box and leave the JSON Headers empty.

JSON Body Examples

These notification messages should be customized to your needs. Here's some examples that I currently use.

Plex Server Down

  • Preview:

Plex Server Down Preview

  • JSON body:
  "embeds": [
      "color": 15048717,
      "fields": [
          "name": "Plex Status",
          "value": "The Plex Server is currently down! :sob:"
      "footer": {
         "text": "{server_name} on {server_platform} - {server_version}"

Plex Server Back Up

  • Preview:

Plex Server Back Up Preview

  • JSON body:
  "embeds": [
      "color": 15048717,
      "fields": [
          "name": "Plex Status",
          "value": "The Plex Server is back up! :partying_face:"
      "footer": {
          "text": "{server_name} on {server_platform} - {server_version}"

Plex Remote Access Down

  • Preview:

Plex Remote Access Down Preview

  • JSON body:
  "embeds": [
      "color": 15048717,
      "fields": [
          "name": "Plex Remote Access Status",
          "value": "The Plex Server is currently down! :sob: \n {remote_access_reason}"
      "footer": {
        "text": "{server_name} on {server_platform} - {server_version}"

Plex Remote Access Back Up

  • Preview:

Plex Remote Access Back Up Preview

  • JSON body:
  "embeds": [
      "color": 15048717,
      "fields": [
          "name": "Plex Remote Access Status",
          "value": "The Plex Server is back up! :partying_face:"
      "footer": {
        "text": "{server_name} on {server_platform} - {server_version}"

Recently Added

  • Preview:

Recently Added Preview Movie Recently Added Preview Music

  • JSON body:
  "embeds": [
      "title": "Update ({current_day}/{current_month}/{current_year}):",
      <movie>"description": "New movie added!",</movie><show>"description": "New show added!",</show><season>"description": "New season added!",</season><album>"description": "New album added!",</album>
      "color": 15048717,
      "fields": [
          "name": "Movie Name:",
          "value": "{title} ({year})"
          "name": "Show Name:",
          "value": "{show_name}"
          "name": "Show Name:",
          "value": "{show_name}"
          "name": "Album Name:",
          "value": "{album_name} by {artist_name}"
          "name": "Library:",
          "value": ":o: {library_name}",
          "inline": true
          <movie>"name": "Watch Now",</movie><show>"name": "Watch Now",</show><season>"name": "Watch Now",</season><album>"name": "Listen Now",</album>
          "value": "[Plex Web]({plex_url})",
          "inline": true
      "thumbnail": {
        "url": "{poster_url}"
      "footer": {
        "text": "{server_name} on {server_platform} - {server_version}"


This one requires the following Conditions:

Media Type is movie or show or season or album

Last update: August 8, 2020