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Arma 3 Server


The Arma 3 server will require a certain package to be able to run, you can install it using the following command in a sudoer user:

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

Modded Instance

To install the Arma 3 server, you'll need SteamCMD and a Steam account that has a license for Arma 3. Remember to do the following commands with the steam user (you can switch using sudo -iu steam).

Head over to the folder where SteamCMD is located and run SteamCMD:

login <username>

You'll be prompted for your password and your Steam Guard (2FA) code. Once you're in, change the directory where you want Arma 3 to be installed (use absolute paths):

force_install_dir /home/steam/arma3

You can now install Arma 3:

app_update 233780

Vanilla Instance

In case you want to run a clean and mod-less server I recommend you to install the server again in another folder to avoid having mod folders inside and keys for mods you normally want in a modded instance. Luckily, you can easily do this with SteamCMD, login with your account like we did previously and change the installation directory to somewhere else:

force_install_dir /home/steam/arma3vanilla

To install Arma 3:

app_update 233780

Configuring Server

Before any configuration process, we need to create the folders that we require to save the server profiles (where custom difficulties and vars are saved):

mkdir -p ~/".local/share/Arma 3" && mkdir -p ~/".local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles"

Server Profile

In order to use a server profile where we'll set up the custom difficulties, we'll need to create a folder inside the previously created folder with a name for the server:

cd ~/.local/share/Arma\ 3\ -\ Other\ Profiles/ && mkdir server && cd server

Here we can create the following file:

nano server.Arma3Profile

You can paste the following config or change it to your liking:

class DifficultyPresets
    class CustomDifficulty
        optionDescription="Custom Difficulty";
        class Options
    class CustomAILevel

Server Config

Now, we'll go to the folder where we installed Arma 3 and create a config file with whatever name you wish:

cd ~/arma3
nano modded.cfg

You can paste the following config and change it or use whichever you want:

steamPort = 2303;
steamQueryPort = 2304;

hostname = "SERVER NAME";
password = "";
passwordAdmin = "SECRET";
maxPlayers = 32;
persistent = 0;

disableVoN = 0;
vonCodecQuality = 20;

voteMissionPlayers = 1;
voteThreshold = 0.66;
allowedVoteCmds[] =
    {"admin", false, false},
    {"kick", false, true, 0.51},
    {"missions", false, true},
    {"mission", false, false},
    {"restart", false, true},
    {"reassign", false, false}

timeStampFormat = "short";
logFile = "server_console.log";

BattlEye = 1;
VerifySignatures = 2;
kickDuplicate = 1;
allowedFilePatching = 1;

allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"};
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"};
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","php","xml","txt"};

onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackeddData = "kick (_this select 0)";

headlessClients[] = {""};
localClient[] = {""};

As a side note, if you need to run servers with multiple configurations, you can always create more config files and use them at the server start.


Setting Up Case Insensitive On Purpose (ciopfs)

On a Linux based installation, Arma 3 modding becomes a bit complicated because of the Unix filesystem's case sensitivity, which renders mods with capital letters in their filenames unusable. Luckily we can fix this with a nice package called ciopfs. The following commands should be done through a sudoer user account.

sudo apt-get install ciopfs

Now we'll create 2 folders where we'll install the mods and mount them with ciopfs:

mkdir ~/arma3mods && mkdir ~/arma3mods_casesensitive
ciopfs arma3mods arma3mods_casesensitive

This change will be undone on system restart, so in order to have the following set itself up on system start, we'll need to create a service. Create the following service file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/arma3ciopfs.service

Paste the following to the editor:

Description=Arma 3 ciopfs mount.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/ciopfs /home/steam/arma3mods /home/steam/arma3mods_casesensitive


Restart systemctl and enable the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable arma3ciopfs.service
sudo systemctl start arma3ciopfs.service

Installing Mods

Now we can go back to our steam user and start up SteamCMD. After logging in, you'll need to force the installation directory to the arma3mods_casesensitive folder that we created previously (while ciopfs is mounted).

force_install_dir /home/steam/arma3mods_casesensitive

And install the mods that you need:

workshop_download_item 107410 <mod_id>

After they've been installed, we'll need to create symlinks from the mod folders to our Arma 3 server's directory. For this we'll need to access the ~/arma3mods folder that we created previously (note that all the filenames here are lowercase). For each mod we'll create a symlink from the id folder to the server folder with the mod name.

ln -s ~/arma3mods/steamapps/workshop/content/107410/<mod_id> ~/arma3/@<mod_name>

As an example, for the CBA_A3 mod:

ln -s ~/arma3mods/steamapps/workshop/content/107410/450814997 ~/arma3/@CBA_A3

Finally, we'll also need to copy the keys for each mod into the keys folder inside the server directory. Mod keys will be in the ~/arma3mods/steamapps/workshop/content/107410/\<MOD_ID\>/keys (sometimes the last folder will be key rather than keys). These keys will have a .bikey extension, and will need to be copied to ~/arma3/keys. Every time a mod gets updated, the keys should also be updated (replace the old ones with the new ones).


We can also make some symlinks to simplify accessing these folders:

mkdir ~/arma3-data
mkdir ~/arma3-data/workshop && mkdir ~/arma3-data/keys
ln -s ~/arma3mods/steamapps/workshop/content/107410 ~/arma3-data/workshop
ln -s ~/arma3/keys ~/arma3-data/keys

Updating Mods

For the sake of simplicity we will just use a simple run-script instead of a full-fledged wrapper script. For this we will go to directory where SteamCMD is installed and we will create our little run-script:

nano update_arma3.txt

Inside the editor, paste the following, for each mod that you want to download/update you need to add a newline with the command workshop_download_item 107410 <addon_id>.

@ShutdownonFailedCommand 1
@NoPromptForPassword 1
force_install_dir /home/steam/arma3
app_update 233780
force_install_dir /home/steam/arma3mods_casesensitive
// For every addon, do the following
// workshop_download_item 107410 <addon_id>
workshop_download_item 107410 463939057
workshop_download_item 107410 333310405


As a safety measure, you should add the same mod multiple times to avoid mod download failures.

Now, we can make a small bash script so that we can easily run this run-script.


Paste the following, make sure to change your username, here we're going to use the cached credentials so a password should not be required.

./ +login <username> +runscript update_arma3.txt

Make it executable:

chmod +x

Now, when we need to update the addons and the server files, just run the ./ script.

Mods List

Here's a small list of the mods that I currently use:

Workshop ID Addon Name Folder Name
463939057 ACE @ACE
450814997 CBA_A3 @CBA_A3
621650475 CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Vehicles @CUP_ACE_compat_vehicles
549676314 CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Weapons @CUP_ACE_compat_weapons
583496184 CUP Terrains - Core @CUP_Core
853743366 CUP Terrains - CWA @CUP_CWA
583544987 CUP Terrains - Maps @CUP_Maps
497661914 CUP Units @CUP_Units
541888371 CUP Vehicles @CUP_Vehicles
497660133 CUP Weapons @CUP_Weapons
333310405 Enhanced Movement @Enhanced_Movement
843632231 RHSSAF @RHSSAF
498740884 SharkTac User Interface @SharkTac_UI
620019431 TaskForce Arrowhead Radio @task_force_radio
501966277 Zombies and Demons @Zombies_and_Demons

Infinite Loading Screen Bug

Unfortunately, the Linux Arma 3 server can be a bit buggy, this is the case for servers that run certain mod combinations (in this case CUP and RHS) that will make clients get stuck on an infinite loading screen when joining the server, the server console will not display any error messages and will in fact freeze the process. It seems the only way to fix this issue is to disable BattlEye from the server configs. In the server config, change the following:

BattlEye = 0;

This will in fact turn off BattlEye on your server which will make it less secure against hackers, sadly it is the only fix for this weird problem.

Custom Missions

In order to run custom missions on your server, you'll need to add the .pbo files inside the mpmissions folder inside the Arma 3 server folder. You can get the .pbo files directly from Steam Workshop if you download the missions through this Workshop Downloader or from Armaholic.

Firewall Rules

Again, we'll need to add the following firewall rules:

sudo ufw allow 2302:2345/tcp
sudo ufw allow 2302:2345/udp

Running the Server

Now, to run the game, we'll create a small script so we can easily save the addons that we want to run and the configs that we want to load. Inside the Arma 3 server directory, create the script file (the filename with whatever you want):

nano start_<name>.sh

Inside the editor, paste the following:

./arma3server -name=<server_name> -config=<config_file> -mod=@mod1\;@mod2\;@mod3...


server_name refers to the server name that you used for the Arma 3 Profile that is located in ~/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles, the config_file refers to the Arma 3 Config that is inside the Arma 3 directory, replace them with your own settings.

An example for this script that runs ACE and CBA_A3.

./arma3server -name=server -config=modded.cfg -mod=@CBA_A3\;@ACE

As per always, the script must be made executable:

chmod +x <script_name>.sh

Headless Client

A headless client is an instance of the game with no interface. The idea of having a headless client on a server is to reduce the load on the server process by taking control of the AI processing. This will (ideally) make the server run better and the AI more responsive since their processing will be done somewhere else, their reaction times will be much quicker.

Setting up a headless client is a trivial task. The first thing that should be done is modify the server config (.cfg file) to allow our headless client.

In server.cfg (or whichever it is the name of your .cfg file), add or edit the following lines with the IP address of your headless client:

headlessClients[] = {""};
localClient[] = {""};


In this case, our headless client will be running in the same machine as the server, which means that will be used. You can add as many of these as you want.

Once the server config allows the headless client, we'll create a run script to start the headless client.

./arma3server -client -connect=SERVER_IP -password=SERVER_PASSWORD -mod=@MOD1\;@MOD2...


You can omit the password directive if the server you're connecting to has no password. You can also omit the mod directive if the server has no mods.

Finally, make the script executable:

chmod +x

Now you're ready. Start the server and then the headless client, which will connect directly and automatically offload the AI processing (if the mission implements headless clients properly).

Start Server and Headless Client Script

If you wish to run them both directly, you can create the following script:

echo "Launching server..."
screen -dmS arma3-server /bin/bash -c "./"

echo "Launching Headless Client..."
screen -dmS arma3-hc /bin/bash -c "./"


Replace "./" with the name of the server start script and "./" with the name of the headless client start script.

This will start both processes in two different screen windows. You can switch to them by using:

screen -rd arma3-server
screen -rd arma3-hc

Last update: August 8, 2020